Trinosophes Projects is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization in the state of Michigan that supports live programming, exhibitions, and publishing. We are an independent, artist-operated entity located in the city of Detroit that, for the past decade, has operated at the scale and magnitude of cultural institutions with far greater budget. Your donations go directly to programming, publishing, media manufacturing, archival work, artist commissioning and project collaborations, as well as helping us pay our contributors, editors and collaborators on par with larger organizations. Now more than ever our space and publishing projects are desperately needed so that we share the voices and perspectives of artists, activists, and intellectuals in our community and around the world.
Please click here if you'd like to make a tax-deductible contribution online to Trinosophes Projects, Two Rooms Records, and Three Fold Press.
Or, send a check to Trinosophes Projects
1557 Leverette Street #2
Detroit, Michigan, 48216
There are other ways of donating as well, including volunteering and trade. Reach out to us at if you have ideas.