December 2, 2017-January 2018

Please, is a collaboration between Henry James Haver Crissman (HJHC), Trinosophes, and the patrons of the establishment. The terms of the engagement will be published and presented on-site, and include the following:

  1. Crissman will provide all of the wares to be used by Trinosophes for free, on the condition that they are also for sale.
  2. Each individual piece will be labeled with a number inside of a ‘KAPOW!’ bubble. That number may be referenced to a price book to identify the title, description, year and price of each piece.
  3. In trade for Crissman providing the wares to be used at no cost, Trinosophes will forgo a cut of sales; however, as a show of appreciation, Trinosophes will receive a tip of 20% for its quality service.

If you would like,


Call HJHC at (989) 600 - 2467